Visit the Bumper Sticker Rant community page. Chat with other ranters, go shopping, and more!!

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Kat House

So BS asked about a button for the forums. And here it is. I think you know the drill for replacing the ()'s with <>'s. Or, there is always easy cut and paste code available in the forums.

Image hosted by

(a href="")((img src="" alt="Image hosted by")(/a)

And Don't forget about our Frappr Map

Check out our Frappr!

And in the near future I'm hoping to make some more buttons and banners for online shopkeepers who have had stickers featured. And I'm also hoping to get a chance to redo the Bumper Sticker Rant Store. If you have any ideas let me know.

So on to the sticker...

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Geek Love!

While I haven't had any caffeine this morning, I do like this bumper sticker.

Sunday, November 27, 2005

Dene's Place

So I'm posting this a little early so that I can focus on getting to that 50K word mark. I'm so close that I can taste it, and I want to focus on writing tomorrow.

So for today I couldn't decide which bumper sticker I liked better out of this shop. So you're going to get both.

Friday, November 25, 2005

Shameless Humor

Yes, two stickers from the same store in one week. But this one is sooooo appropriate for today. I'm sure many people standing in lines for the perfect present are thinking along these same lines today. So...

Thursday, November 24, 2005

Happy Thanksgiving

This bumpersticker is probably approprtiate for many today...

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Laugh Lines

Yep, have to agree with this bumper sticker. Now to find a man who doesn't get all nervous looking when around me.

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Kat House

Ever have one of those days when you just want to be mean to everybody?

I think today's bumper sticker is great to warn people when you have one of those days. Or just in general. It made me smile at least.

Monday, November 21, 2005


Hey all, I'm back. I hope that you didn't forget about Bumper Sticker Rant during my break.

First, some news and then we'll get back into the Bumper Stickers.

The Bumper Sticker Rant Forums are Live! Go on in, and check it out. Yet another way for us to discuss bumper stickers, or just meet each other. I set it up so that it's not all striclty business.

Buttons and Banners
I've made up some buttons and banners for the rant. Feel free to grab them and place them on your site. Support the rant by spreading the word. Just change the ()'s to <>'s. Or check the buttons and banners post in the forums for easy to cut and paste code.

Image hosted by

(a href="")(img src="" alt="Image hosted by")(/a)

Image hosted by

(a href="")(img src="" alt="Image hosted by" /)(/a)

Image hosted by

(a href="")(img src="" alt="Image hosted by")(/a)

Image hosted by

(a href="")(img src="" alt="Image hosted by")(/a)

Image hosted by

(a href="")(img src="" alt="Image hosted by")(/a)

Now onto the stickers. Thanks to Shameless Humor and for submitting these. Be sure to check them out to see what else they have. Leave plenty of comments about them, because I'm still laughing too much to come up with any coherent comments.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005


All right everybody. Right now I plan to start up again on Monday. I would still like for visitors to leave some comments, suggestions or anything else. And of course sign up in the forums.

So until Monday...

Sunday, November 13, 2005

Still on Hiatus

Yes, I'm still considering what needs to be done to better Bumper Sticker Rant. But I wanted to interrupt this unscheduled break to let everybody know of a few developments that have happened over the past few days.

Bumper Sticker Rant Forums : Yay. Since I'd been tossing around the idea of forums anyway I went ahead and set these up. Not only does it give all the ranters another place to chat, but I opened up some sections so that the print on demand crowd can post announcements of new sticker designs. I also opened up a seen but not pictured section since most of us stray into the "I saw this great sticker..." line at some point. Now we can discuss it a little better since things like that won't filter down with the new posting here.

Frappr Map Let's see where we're all at.

Now I'm still open to suggestions for improvements. Either in the comments here or in that dedicated section over in the forums

I also have at least one vote of both pics and for sale images. Let me know what you think.

Finally, I'm not sure how much longer this break will be. Hopefully not too much longer. But I'd really love to have some more suggestions or feedback before starting again. That way the pleas don't get lost in the shuffle.


Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Slight Hiatus

I am still not seeing good numbers of visitors to the rant. And in fact they are about the lowest they have ever been, roughly 3-5 per day.

I really would like for these numbers to come up. And while I know that won't happen as I take this break, a break allows me to step back from this project and reevaluate what needs to be done to make bumperstickerrant successful.

In the meanwhile I would appreciate any visitors or frequent readers to drop some ideas into the comments.

In particular I'd like to know what you prefer, pictures that I take or images of stickers for sale over the internet.

I'd also like to know if anybody would be interested in some icons to place on their sites that'll link back here. If so I'll make some.

Finallt I'd like to know if there are any features that would make BS Rant better. Keep in mind that not all will be implimented, but I'm looking for ideas here. I would really like to make this a fun site that all will enjoy.

As always, if you're interested in becoming a bumpersticker ranter. Email me, at the link above, or comment.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005


Ooh, baby. This bumerpsticker is right.

Monday, November 07, 2005

Bumpersticker Rant Request

with visitor counts still lower than I would like. And not looking to improve on their own, I would like to ask everybody for ideas on how to improve Bumpersticker rant.

Drop any ideas in the comments, and let's see if we can really get this thing going.

K'sharra's Furry Designs

So another weekend passes and I didn't get any new pics. So ya'll know what that means...

but in my defense, I must say that this bumpersticker describes me perfectly.

Friday, November 04, 2005

Jade Step Press

Yeah, this bumpersticker is right. And let's restart with the sleep part.

Thursday, November 03, 2005

The Afterlife

I think I need this bumpersticker.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

A cute bumpersticker. It makes a statement without any words.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

here's a truthful little bumpersticker for ya. Have a nice day all. Posted by Picasa