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Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Slight Hiatus

I am still not seeing good numbers of visitors to the rant. And in fact they are about the lowest they have ever been, roughly 3-5 per day.

I really would like for these numbers to come up. And while I know that won't happen as I take this break, a break allows me to step back from this project and reevaluate what needs to be done to make bumperstickerrant successful.

In the meanwhile I would appreciate any visitors or frequent readers to drop some ideas into the comments.

In particular I'd like to know what you prefer, pictures that I take or images of stickers for sale over the internet.

I'd also like to know if anybody would be interested in some icons to place on their sites that'll link back here. If so I'll make some.

Finallt I'd like to know if there are any features that would make BS Rant better. Keep in mind that not all will be implimented, but I'm looking for ideas here. I would really like to make this a fun site that all will enjoy.

As always, if you're interested in becoming a bumpersticker ranter. Email me, at the link above, or comment.


  • I love BS Rant. I am always interested in funny, political, ironic, or the combination of all three types of bumper stickers. If I owned a digital camera, I'd volunteer to photograph some that I have seen, like: Frodo failed, Bush has the Ring. Keep up the great work!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11/12/2005 10:46 PM  

  • Thanks for stopping by. And I'm glad to hear that you like the rant. Come back often. And Feel free to sign up on the message boards that I just started. The link is both in the sidebar and at the top. And if you ever get a digi camera send in some pics.

    By Blogger Phoenixwaller, at 11/12/2005 10:53 PM  

  • I like the idea, just found this.
    I think you are right though, you need to give it time.
    I, personally, am far more likely to visit or link sites if they are updated daily, I don't think a big break is going to help the numbers.
    I know you asked for previous readers opinion, but I am going to tell you anyway; I think a mix of things available for sale and things you see would be best.

    By Blogger Logophile, at 11/13/2005 10:21 AM  

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