Visit the Bumper Sticker Rant community page. Chat with other ranters, go shopping, and more!!

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Sticker of the month time

Alright everybody, I need ya'll to vote for your favorite stickers. Go to the BSR community page to find the poll, and vote for your favorite stickers. If you missed a week just click where it says polls and vote for each week. Please don't let me be the only one voting.

On friday I'm going to change the poll and the winners from each week will be posted so that you can vote for sticker of the month. So go and vote for your fave stickers from Jan, and don't forget to come back and vote for Jan's sticker.

JWG Design

"cause I'm in a mood. Here's today's bumper sticker

Monday, January 30, 2006

Coma Rags

From Coma Rags, the same place that last year's favorite sticker came from. This bumper sticker is right... Insanity, it really doesn't come easy.

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Menagerie Mayhem

For those of you who haven't actually looked at my avatar... I'm a bird lover. And when I watch my birds interact I see the truth of this bumper sticker.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006


Thought that this one was funny when I saw it, so here's today's bumper sticker.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

T-shirt Monsters

For the geek in all of us... I present today's bumper sticker.

Monday, January 23, 2006

Purple Lemon Shop

Bumper Stickers, and more bumper stickers.

Vote for last week's fave at the community page, and don't forget to check out our own bumper stickers in the store. Also, don't forget to chat it up in the forums.

Finally, here is today's bumper sticker.

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Trucks Bring It! and don't forget it.

The frist time I ever saw this was in a Flying J. But it's true trucks bring it, even off the train. It's amazing how many people don't know how they get their stuff at all.

This bumper sticker seemed familiar when I saw it, but it didn't show up in the featured stickers for sale page that I made yesterday, so I thought I'd post it.

So here is today's sticker.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

I went browsing here again to see if they had any banners that I could use to affiliate to in setting up the new BSR Store and stumbled into ther new stickers section.

Since I'm in a funny state of mind lately I thought I'd share the one that really made me laugh.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Kat-House (again)

Yep, I know that I put one of Kat's up last week, but I just saw this one and it really made me laugh.

So here it is...

Monday, January 16, 2006

New BSR Store

Yep, I did it anyway. A BSR store dedicated to bumperstickers, rather than just logo merchandise.

SO the new store address is And while I don't have a ton of stickers up yet there are a few.

My faves are:

In other news. I have decided to add a poll each week to vote on the favorite stickers of the week. And then a monthly poll. The reason for this is so that I have an easier time with year end reviews. So make sure you vote for your favorites each week. The poll is on the BSR community page, and will most likely be updated each Friday or Saturday. The poll for last week's stickers is already up, so don't forget to vote.

Friday, January 13, 2006

Kat House

Kat added a whole bunch of new stickers, and it was hard to decide which one to post here. I definately recommend clicking through to her shop, and cruising her sticker selection.

Here is the one that really got me going today.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Tittillating Tees

This Sticker was submitted by a reader. Thanks to:Xavier K...Sacramento for spotting this.

He said that he couldn't stop laughing. And I agree that the sticker is funny, and holds a good message. Enjoy everyone.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Shameless Self-Promotion

I almost went looking for a bumper sticker to post for today, and then I realized that it had been some time since I had actually made a design that was meant to go on a bumper sticker.

Since I made this one yesterday, I decided that it would do well to post it.

And don't forget to visit the new community page for BSR.


Edit: New Sticker posted below this!!!

yeah, I know... I know. I haven't posted Stickers in a week. But once ya'll see what I've been up to you'll realize why.

The new Bumper Sticker Rant Community page!!!.

This page has forums, a link to the chat room. Web links, polls, and more. And if we decide that the rant needs to be moved under it's own domain I know how to set the pages up.

So check it out, sign up, and let's have some fun.

Monday, January 09, 2006

Free spEEch Shop

OK, browsing through the stickers at cafepress again. This one made me laugh, so here it is...

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

A question for ya'll

Hey everybody,

Sorry, I've been busy with a couple of things the past few days. I'll get back to posting stickers here in a day or so.

In the meanwhile, I've been playing with the idea of really making a page for BS rant. And here's my question... would it be better to leave this blog where it is and link back and forth, or publish it directly to the domain? right now I'm thinking here is probably better, since it's already linked for everybody, but I wanted to know what ya'll think.

and please lemme know on that other stuff I asked in the last post as well. Thanks.

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Welcome to the New Year

So, let's get some housekeeping issues out of the way, and then right back to the stickers.

1. Domain- I'm sure that ya'll know that points right here. But do we want to do anything more with that. For $2 more per month I can have it hosted under the same account as my domain, and share the space. Or if we want to see how everything works out first with that I can make a subdomain, and point the page there. Just keep in mind that if we go the second (preferable for now) route the addresses along with some other stuff would change later.

2. Forums- There be tumbleweeds growing in those things again. Now that the holidays are over I'm hoping that things will pick up in both places. We've had a few people sign up, but very little conversation in there. And I'm not a stickler that it all has to be about bumper stickers. I made a general discussion area, and I care more about a community feel to this whole thing than I do about being strictly business.

3. Frappr- Still there, still just BS and me. Let's figure out where we all are.

4. Chat- Yes, kinda. When I added a chat room to my page I also added a room for BSR. Just pick the BSR room from the dropdown, and sign in. You don't have to register unless you want to reserve your name. Click here to go to the chat signin.

5. Store- I need to redo the store. I need to change the url to the basic dot com rather than the blogspot addy that it is now. But... I've been tossing around the idea of turning that basic store into a premium one.

But I need your feedback on that, since it does cost about $6/mo. The reason that I would turn it into a premium is so that we can take a more active role in the bumper sticker world. We could actually create our own bumper stickers for sale, and not just have the branded merchandise. I would not be able to do it alone. I'd need you guys to come up with things to put on the stickers, and maybe even do some designing yourselves. The money from the store would go as it was always planned to. First to cover any out of pocket expenses incurred by running the rant, and then to expanding and having fun with the rant.

6. Getting the word out- Thanks all for putting up those buttons. Traffic is still low, however. So any ideas for expanding our little community would be greatly appreciated.

For now I think that's enough for you all to think about. So leave some comments, or head over to the forums to have more detailed discussions. Don't worry, you can start a new topic if you need to, I won't bite.

Finally Happy New Year Everybody.