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Sunday, November 13, 2005

Still on Hiatus

Yes, I'm still considering what needs to be done to better Bumper Sticker Rant. But I wanted to interrupt this unscheduled break to let everybody know of a few developments that have happened over the past few days.

Bumper Sticker Rant Forums : Yay. Since I'd been tossing around the idea of forums anyway I went ahead and set these up. Not only does it give all the ranters another place to chat, but I opened up some sections so that the print on demand crowd can post announcements of new sticker designs. I also opened up a seen but not pictured section since most of us stray into the "I saw this great sticker..." line at some point. Now we can discuss it a little better since things like that won't filter down with the new posting here.

Frappr Map Let's see where we're all at.

Now I'm still open to suggestions for improvements. Either in the comments here or in that dedicated section over in the forums

I also have at least one vote of both pics and for sale images. Let me know what you think.

Finally, I'm not sure how much longer this break will be. Hopefully not too much longer. But I'd really love to have some more suggestions or feedback before starting again. That way the pleas don't get lost in the shuffle.



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