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Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Laugh Lines

Yep, have to agree with this bumper sticker. Now to find a man who doesn't get all nervous looking when around me.


  • Just one?

    By Blogger Logophile, at 11/23/2005 4:36 PM  

  • Yeah, I'll actually try to get some up tomorrow and friday.

    And really the reason for only one a day right now is because it's just me doing this. If I ever get more contributors there won't be a cap.

    I started keeping at one a day when I found I ran out of actual pics too quickly. Now I'm just keeping it sane while I try to do everything else.

    If you know anybody who wants to be a contributor the send them this way.

    By Blogger Phoenixwaller, at 11/23/2005 4:40 PM  

  • LOL, I thought she meant own 'just one' man.

    Yikes though!

    By Blogger Bsoholic, at 11/23/2005 5:44 PM  

  • phoenix,
    BS knows me too well, that IS what i
    Just ONE MAN??
    One bumper sticker a day is fine, you are doing great!
    Pace yourself, it is a good idea.

    By Blogger Logophile, at 11/24/2005 7:44 PM  

  • Yeah, after BS said something I realized that you probably did mean that. I was just kinda out of it yesterday afternoon, and didn't even think of it that way.

    By Blogger Phoenixwaller, at 11/24/2005 9:24 PM  

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