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Thursday, February 02, 2006

Oval Stickers. net

Somebody said something in a forum yesterday that made me think. No, I'm not going to tell you what was said, but I'll tell you what I realized.

I realized that instead of jut posting the stickers, and a one or two line blurb about them, I need to actually discuss the sticker some. This will accomplish 2 things. It will provide keywords that the search engines can latch onto, and that will mean more traffic.

It should also help bring up the clicks through to the bumper sticker itself. The more targeted click throughs will end up helping to cover the different costs of BSR.

One thing that I'm not as happy about, however, is that sometimes it may get to sound a little like a bumper sticker ad.

What I'll try to do though is return to my original thought when I was starting the rant. To discuss the actual bumper sticker itself, why it was liked or disliked, and maybe even what made me choose it. Hopefully this will encourage more discussion on the bumper sticker, and grow our little community.

Anyway, on to today's sticker:

I came across the site today after seeing a cute little smiley face bumper sticker. My original plan had been to post the smiley, and then I saw the Geek bumper sticker. Of course the geek in me said that I had to post it.

Of course on of the things that stands out in this sticker is the simplicity. There are no graphics and no fancy text. But the simplicity is what makes it work, especially given the euro style of the sticker.


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